The Extension Course is designed for people who have completed the beginner course or have a level compliment to the start of the Extension course
Wheel Course Extension begins 10th March 2025
Tauranga only at this stage. Hamilton will start at later date
5 weeks starting 10th March every Monday 10am and 6pm. Limited spaces so be quick
Fill form out below. These 5 weeks will be Project Based
Week 1: Throwing a cylinder and modifying the shape to make a jug, add a spout. Throwing taller items.
Week 2: Throwing a wide bowl using up to 2kgs of clay. Turning and adding handles to Week 1’s jugs.
Week 3: Throwing a plate. (variety of techniques) Trimming wide bowl made in Week 2
Week 4: Modifying cylinders. Belly, collaring, double walls. Trim plates made in Week 3
Week 5: Glazing and decoration of bisqued pots. (trimming previously made work)
(Items made one week, will be trimmed and completed the following week in preparation for bisque firing prior to week 5.)