The Extension Course is designed for people who have completed the beginner course or have a level compliment to the start of the Extension course
Handbuilding Extension begins 10th March 2025
Tauranga only at this stage. Hamilton will start at later date
5 weeks starting Monday March 10th 10am and 6pm. Limited spaces so be quick
Fill in the form below
Week 1: Revisit handbuilding techniques, clay varieties (grogged, earthenware, stoneware, porcelain), clay consistencies and their attributes/issues. Major construction project to be determined. This project to be worked on during weeks 1, 2, 3 and 4, plus techniques as detailed below each week.
Week 2: Joining and join strengthening techniques.
Week 3: Carved leatherhard clay.
Week 4: Slip application/ colouration to leatherhard ware.
Week 5: Glazing and decoration of bisqued ware.
(Project to be ready for bisque firing prior to week 5.)