Become a Franchisee with the Pottery Studio

Why Franchising
Franchising offers a different perspective to a business. People tend to go with what is familiar to them and a successful business already in operation elsewhere is a good secure feeling..
Franchising offers a ready-made recognisable brand and a feeling of safety to the customer and as a franchisee operator.
The reputation of the parent brand will attract customers in the first instance. From then on the excellent service, fun and reliability will keep them returning time and time again.
With franchising, you get instantly recognisable branding, the benefit of a prior professional reputation, training, and the backup needed to maintain the standard. This will shorten the learning curve into business.
The Pottery Studio will want you to succeed therefore, will be in everyone’s interest to make sure you are successful and enjoy working within a small network.
Franchising verses stand alone
Stand alone companies can be extremely risky for so many reasons, but perhaps the leading one is getting your message out when you hang out the open sign. Reputation is essential and gaining that reputation and brand awareness can be a costly exercise.
With a Pottery Studio, as the parent brand, the set you up is there from the beginning, with the support, training and guidance. This is a massive start with far less risk to your new business. As we have said earlier it can take years to establish a business. Our model will get you earning from the very early stages.
The Pottery Studio will support the Franchisees to become a successful and long term operation. Compared to an individual initial investment which can be very expensive, our Franchise is cost effective especially with the amount of equipment included, so we aim at being a very profitable and highly successful business very quickly. The return on investment is excellent.
Your Workshop Premises?
Premises in the right and safe position will be important. You may already own a property or you may need to lease. Size will be needed to seat at least 60 persons as this will attract large groups. 200 to 300sq Mitres is a good size.
At our Tauranga studio we also have a pottery gallery displaying and selling local artists work. This is not a requirement for your Pottery Studio as the operation of the workshops are the important issues of the business and most importantly a good cash flow. However you may want to offer this if you are in large shop premises. Many types of property will be acceptable, but must be in a position that is safe and your customers can easily get to. The workshops can be in a warehouse, barn, large shop or similar. You might ask a landlord for a special deal or even a pop up shop as long as it can lead to a long term lease. The Pottery Studio workshops are a draw card for people, so can be an attractive proposition to a property owner.
The Mobile workshops are a great boost to profits, as we take the workshops to many smaller regions and towns, where we find a huge interest and following. All this will be covered in your training.